Who am I?
As the copyright notice says my name is Peter. For those who have not noticed it already; the name of this site is my middle name - without the 'www' and '.dk' that is. I live in Denmark in Skibinge - you find it - which shares the island of Zealand with the capital Copenhagen. I have lived here since November 2006 and am quite happy with it. It is also here I spend most of my spare time enjoying things like running, nature and cycling when the weather permits.
Education and career
1995 I graduated as an export engineer from the Copenhagen College of Engineering and spent the next two years looking for work. Whether it was fate or plain luck that got me my first job as a technical writer, after doing some work as a consultant developing a database, I cannot tell. It is, however, a fact that the work I did as a consultant involved writing of documentation for non-technical users. In retrospect this experience, I guess, woke my talent for explaining technical subjects. And as a tech writer opening appeared in the paper, I applied for the position and got it.
Working as a tech writer suits me very well as it allows me to use a lot of the skills I acquired during my engineering studies and quite often calls for creative solutions.
Since my first job as a tech writer I have learned the profession from the inside, held three permanent positions and have solved all kinds of big and small assignments in cooperation with others and independently.
Most of the assignments have meant writing of documentation from scratch, as well as maintenance and re-structuring of existing documentation. The topics have been very varied and included documentation of print servers, software tools and an ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). I have also had the pleasure - no irony intended - of designing web pages, templates, style guides, and illustrations. In addition, I have coordinated translation of documents from which I have created multiple-language documents.
I believe that it is the versatility of the tech writing profession that fascinates and inspires me. If there is anything negative about working as a tech writer I can only think of the frustration sometimes associated with acquiring new knowledge or learning new tools. This, however, I view more like challenges than actual drawbacks.
Interests and spare time
My latest discovered interest is running. For quite some time I have been cycling and I still enjoy it when time and weather conditions permit. December 2006, however, I decided that it was time to try out running. After eight weeks with the beginner's program I could run more than 5 km without pause and I skipped the rest of the program. Since then I have increased the distance to 10 km three times a week and pretty often also longer. Currently, which is winter 2008, I am training for my first half-marathon in the spring.
My newly acquired skill allows me to compete in official races for non-profressionals. It is pure fun and nice to see if it is possible to shave just a little of my PB times. PB is Personal Best. A link to my running results is in the menu to the left.
Apart from exercising I also like to educate myself and find learning new skills great. This web site is the result of this habit. Other than that I also enjoy reading, movies and attending the training and meetings in the runners club.