This site
The site began as a project for learning Adobe GoLive 6.0, which is the tool I have used. I highly recommend it and am in no way connected with Adobe. Should you wish to try out GoLive, a free evaluation version is available for download on
The idea spun off from the article on Eco Driving and some game reviews I have written just for fun. Being a technical writer and having an interest in computers did the rest. And I decided to go public. This happened on the 4th of September 2003.
Design philosophy
This is pretty simple. As much as I like web sites with lots of colorful effects, flash animations and so on, I know how tedious it is to sit and wait for them to load when bandwidth is limited. If at the same time ones computer does not have the latest plug-ins installed the download time is even longer. I decided that all of this should not happen on my site.
Another advantage of not cramming all conceivable plug-in-based effects on to the site is that the noise level is kept at a minimum.
I also found that by designing for a minimal set of requirements, I could ensure that most of the growing number of different systems and browsers would have a fair chance of viewing the site as I intend. Testing the site with every kind of browser is outside my scope anyway - Internet Explorer 6 and Opera 7 are those I use.
Finally, by keeping the site simple I also make it faster. For those without high-speed Internet connections, which includes me, this means shorter access time.